Misconceptions about Home Security System

A home security system has a huge following of misconceptions. The best part about them is that they have no validity. Following are some most commonly known misconceptions about the security systems.

Misconception #1: Home security systems are unreliable. Any time the power can cut and deactivate the system. Long gone are the days when the old setup of security system was considered safe. In the advanced times, now safer and better technology is used where even if the power is cut off the system keeps working.

Misconception #2: There is significant time between the alarm going off and notifying the security company. It is in your hands to decide the time between the alarm going off and notifying the security company. It is a matter of barely a few seconds. Within no time the company is informed.

Misconception #3: Even if the security system is properly set up the burglars finds a way to break into a house. First, as soon as the burglar will set his foot inside the alarm will create a situation of panic. The alarm will grab the attention of neighbors and security around your house and inform the security company as well. In this case, either the burglar will leave as soon as possible or even if he continues his search for valuables it will be too late to make an escape.

Misconception #4: Your home insurance rates and your home value don’t rise even if you install a security system. When you are selling your property you have the authority to add the amount for a security system if it is a certified one. As far as the insurance company is concerned, they offer 5-20% discounts.

Misconception #5: Neighborhood that is safe with an active watchman doesn’t need a home security system. Your neighborhood might be extraordinarily safe and secure. But remember, security systems are not solely about burglars breaking into your house. It is also about the leakage of gas and fire alarms.

Misconception #6: Having a bulldog on the watch will do much better than the security system. How much time and skill does it require to faint your pet with a biscuit or any other snack?

Misconception #7: Alarms can go off with a pet movement. No, they don’t. Security systems have pet immune motion detection system fed in them. It is programmed according to the weight and size of the object. Thus, your 10-pound cat won’t set an alarm off.

Misconception #8: Burglars who want to get in anyway. They cut off cables and make the system useless. They might be smart but not as smart as security firms. Security systems now work on wireless technology. There is no room for cutting.

Misconception #9: Security systems are for the elites. Previously, yes security systems were quite expensive. You had to earn a good amount before even thinking about it. But now that the technology has advanced there is too much saturation of newer, better and reliable technologies that compete for their place in the market. The end product becomes much more affordable for you. If in doubt always consult with your local locksmith or security expert to find the best options for your home

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